Partners Con Il Sud Fondazione Peppino Vismara Con Il Sud Fondazione Peppino Vismara



Seme di Pace is a non-profit social cooperative founded to promote the values ​​of solidarity and social subsidiarity, fundamental for overcoming the traditional logic of welfare and for starting new processes of local autonomy and social reintegration. Seme di Pace is the leader in the partnership of the Villa Fernandes project and for this reason its role is in harmony with the development vision of the area, connected to the cultural growth of citizenship, the ability to connect with all the city realities, institutions, the world of profit and non-profit, the spirit of experimentation and innovation, the vision aimed at the needs of fragile people oriented to take their resources and making the most of them. Thanks also to the consolidated skills in the management of services, Seed of Peace is the reference for the coordination of the project activities, relations with the various stakeholders, the general management and executive management of the public good of Villa Fernandes.